Our Portfolio Alley Way PavingThis small alley way is transformed by simple but effective block and slab paving... read more! read more Landscaping & DesignWe have a variety of hard landscaping areas including paving and gravel on.... read more! read more Garden and Patio DesignMr Arlington wanted a low maintenance garden like most of our customers... read more! read more New Sandstone PavingMr Gorden wanted to add value to his property and change his old tar-Mac driveway... read more! read more Back Garden DesignA garden design project providing patio areas including a circular feature for a sitting out area... read more Court Yard GardenLots of hard landscaping - from paving, to blocks, to pebbles, to slate, curves... read more Back Garden DesignWhen we first arrived at Mr Mason’s house in St Albans there was nothing more then... read more New Tarmac DrivewayCrumbling old tarmac driveway given a new lease of life... read more Grand EntranceThis very long driveway on a steep slope has been transformed by new block paving... read more New Front GardenA front garden re-design into a modern, clean, attractive, low maintenance garden... read more Back Garden CurvesWe have redesigned Mr and Mrs Readshaw's back garden from st albans, transforming... read more